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Nokia N82: a Premier Phone From Nokia

November 21st, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

Nokia must have taken the pledge that it would beat all its contenders with its army of N series phones and would rule an age which history of mobile phone would remember. Day by day they are making new devices in N series and are improving the qualities of these phones with advanced features. The wait is over and the much awaited and talked phone called Nokia N82 with 2GB and 5 Mega pixel camera is here!

Yes the Nokia N82 is a phone which would make all stand up in surprise when its said that the phone has a 5 megapixel camera and Carl Zeiss lens. You will also be surprised when its said that the phone has an integrated GPS to navigate the places you travel now. There are offers to download Nokia Maps of more than 150 countries of the world. All these new stunning features make Nokia N82 a must buy. And more than that the service providers too are offering lucrative offers in UK like free roaming, free SMS, discounted call rates and others subjected to the plan you take. The New Nokia N82 had been announced after the tremendous success of Nokia N81. There was a rumour that Nokia would launch Nokia N82 to beat all other mobile phone companies in the race of mobile phones. People waited long for this phone since it had been promised that features of the new phone would match top slot models of Nokia N series. The wait is over and now yo have this phone available in the market.

Some other mind blowing features of Nokia N82 are SMS, MMS, email, instant messaging, Wi-Fi internet, built in FM radio, TV out, Bluetooth, photocall, VGA Camera, 5 Mega Pixel auto focus camera with Carl Zeiss Tassar lens and 20x digital zoom which enables you to video shot at a speed of 30 frames per second (fps), great multimedia operations like real player, windows media player, 2.4 inches TFT screen with resolution of 320 X 240 and 16M colours for excellent quality imaging and videos. These features do not an end the name and fame of this phone and you have more than what you expect from this smart and sexy phone. The Mp3music quality is equivalent to Nokia N95. The Nokia N82 is tough rivalry to Sony ericsson Cybershot phones.

Rahul Bhadaurya

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