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Making Your Own Postcards With Online Photo Printing

Have you ever wanted to make and send your own postcards? You can, if you use a digital camera and take your own digital pictures. You then upload these to a website that offers online photo printing. The process is pretty simple, and this can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family-and no matter how many you send, it still has a personal touch. Just make sure you don’t’ send the same image to the same person twice, though!

The first thing you need to get started making postcards with online photo printing is a picture. You probably have a camera and take plenty of your own pictures already. You may want to choose from pictures you already have, or you may want to go out and shoot something especially for the purpose of sending it as a postcard. You can personalize this quite a bit just through your choice of image. For example, if you live in New York City, and you know someone who loves penguins, you can go to the zoo and take a picture of a penguin. If your special someone is away, and she missed your cat more than she misses you, you can take a picture of your cat and send it to her. You can even send them direct from the provider of your online photo printing.

Once you’ve selected the image to send on a postcard, all you need to do is print it, really, and then write some stuff on it, put some postage on the back, and send it. The beauty of it is, it’s cheap and convenient to print photos you have stored in an online gallery-if your online gallery website offers printing services. An online gallery also offers safe storage for your irreplaceable photographs. No matter how many hard drives you have, if something happens to your home you might lose a lot of your irreplaceable photos. Thus in addition to providing online photo printing, online galleries offer a safe supplementary backup strategy to protect your valuable photo files.

The quality of printing from online galleries is outstanding. So much so that online photo printing can be hard to tell from old fashioned film printing. Online galleries offer top quality, economical options for online photo printing. The better online galleries use high-quality, Kodak photo paper, just like the kind of paper used for printing enlargements from film negatives optically. They use very good quality photo printers to get vibrant, clear, accurate color. Most services offer a variety of sizes to suit your printing needs as well.

If you are using a digital camera, all you need to do is upload the photos to take advantage of this service. If you have older photos, you can scan them or have a scanning service do it. Once your photos are online, the better online gallery services offer online editing tools so that you can enhance your photos. From there, you can order prints in a variety of sizes, in either glossy or matte, with an easy online form.

MJ Johnston

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