Home > Top Digital Camera Review > Tips for Digital Photography – 3 Most Critical Things for Quality Digital Pictures

Tips for Digital Photography – 3 Most Critical Things for Quality Digital Pictures

September 21st, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

I remember my first digital camera I bought lots of years ago. It was a Mustek and so, a piece of garbage. But back then, this was the best you could get. From the beginning of the early digital days we have come a long way though. Once in a while, some of my friends, because they know I am a photography enthusiast, are asking me what they should look for when buying a digital camera, what the most important features are and how to take quality digital pictures. This is a very hard question that you can answer and thats partly because, honestly, there are a lot of things which can go into the process of taking quality digital pictures. But, I have chosen top three deal breakers, the way I call them, so I will use this article to discuss them in detail.

Unbelievably, unless you have a really high end camera, most important to taking quality digital pictures is lighting. Did you ever took pictures using a poor or fair camera yet still with using such great conditions for lighting, your pictures came out great? Well I have. Actually, with my Mustek, I found out that by setting up good lighting conditions made the camera work like a charm. However, take this light away and your camera will produce the most color washed and grainy pictures that you could ever imagine. Lighting makes all the difference. This puts it on the top in my preference list, above even the camera itself. Hence, if you are on a tight budget and can’t buy a great camera, you should make sure that you have sufficient light.

Next is the camera itself. Basically, the better is the camera, the better is the quality for the pictures. However, there is a problem, and that is how to decide whats a great camera? You can’t go only by mega pixels as each producer has different methods by which they are represented. So a camera that has 8 mega pixels could actually not be such as good for quality as one camera produced by other manufacturer and which has only 6 mega pixels. So, read as much unbiased reviews for each camera you are thinking to buy. How could you tell which review is unbiased? Thats one where there is no link to the camera.

Finally, theres the photographers skill. Unfortunately, this you cant buy out of a box. Skill is something that I picked up with time, but, its something that you could learn and develop.

Alex Don

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