
Posts Tagged ‘Hoya R72’

Master the Digital Infrared Photography Using Your Digital Slr Nikon

January 18th, 2012 No comments

Nikon D70 SLR ideally suits Digital Infrared Photography because of the power that its settings deliver. Next I will show you the camera settings that I use in taking digital infrared photos, thus helping you to get best results out of the Nikon digital SLR. Firstly, you should get a tripod, which is necessary for taking perfect infrared photos, and then choose an infrared filter that you desire – I personally prefer Hoya R72. Then, spend a little time in planning the digital infrared photograph. This will help to eliminate some uncertainties that digital infrared photography brings, that can result in just a photo which is OK, instead of a WOW!! photo. Just like always, there isnt a right way in achieving the results. However, these steps brought me the most success, using the D70 until now.

Type of image: I prefer shooting in RAW mode for the digital infrared photography. Even though Nikons native format NEF is very versatile, it don’t stand up to the quality that RAW mode gives, so any imperfections can just be edited using software like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro.

ISO: Very Good results could be achieved when increasing ISO settings, however, the best results I got were with ISO 200. Otherwise, noise is too great that is my opinion at least. Also, I do a good amount of post processing using Photoshop, so the noise becomes a problem while working at high magnifications. Keep in mind that, unlike the infrared film, where graininess is an important part for the feel and look of the image, the digital infrared noise or “grain” really degrades the image. However, if you need to add an effect of grainy film, you should do this using Photoshop, or using other package.

White Balance: From my experience, setting custom white balance represents a key in GOOD Digital Infrared Photography using Nikon d70. Using a filter which blocks most of the “regular” light, then the camera’s inner white balancing mechanism cant give you an accurate measurement for colour temperature of the environment. Because foliage reflects the IR light, by making it the brightest, the whitest part from your photo, in this case you will need to “calibrate” the D70 in order to let him know visible light green equals infrared white. A couple of ways exists for doing this.

First: The simplest method for white balance is opening the menu of the D70, then to use the control button to get to the setting for white balance, and then change this to +3 fluorescent. Because in infrared photography, most likely you will be shooting under bright sunlight using a “red” filter, if you add some false color correction, this gives your IR image more “punch.” Also, I have found that the incandescent setting also works.

Second: Other way to adjust the white balance for your digital infrared photography using Nikon D70 is by taking a photo to green grass in full sun at midday. But, try and photograph only the grass – no trees, no feet, no sky. Simply point the camera towards the grass by looking at it straight down, then click! After this, in the menu, you will set white balance using this photo. Hence, go to the menu, and select the white balance, then preset then use photo then select image and then use the control dial for navigating at the image with the grass. The menu should say now “this image > set.” And now you are ready for shooting infrared!

Alex Don