
Posts Tagged ‘Digital Image’

Digital Photography: In Focus

December 25th, 2011 No comments

Imagine taking pictures and printing those moments later. Unleash the power of digital photography and this is what happens. All that are required for taking a digital photograph is a digital camera, a PC, a USB connection to the computer, a printer and a photo-editing program. The first step in taking a digital photograph is to familiarize yourself with the digital camera. Now, do not get frightened! Here is how you can deal with it.

All about a Digi Cam

This is short for picture element, the smallest piece of a digital image. A pixel is also referred to as a single point in a graphic image. These elements are the building blocks of your picture, similar to floor tiles or the squares in a mosaic. Put millions of these tiny squares together and you have a digital picture. In fact, “megapixel” is a simple way of saying one million pixels.

This refers to the number of pixels in an image. The more the pixels in a digital photograph, the more detail the digital photograph can contain and better the image quality. It also refers to the sharpness and clarity of a digital photograph. It is measured in Mega pixels. One Mega pixel is equal to one million pixels. A low resolution refers to less than 1 mega-pixel, high-resolution refers to greater than 1 mega-pixel and advanced high resolution is 4 mega-pixels or more. In Digital Photography the resolution of the camera is the most necessary feature to produce first class photographs.

Auto Focus
A good choice for general picture taking is auto mode. This setting, allows your digital camera to automatically set the exposure, the focus, and the flash. With auto mode, you may override the automatic options of the flash and choose to turn the flash off, use fill flash, or red eye reduction.

Digital Zoom
This crops your image and magnifies the result of the cropping. This magnification process is called interpolation. Sacrificing image quality to capture the moment is more important than not getting the picture at all.

Optical Zoom
This physically tends to magnify the subject. A motor controls the lens movement. When you press the switch to W or T, the subject is either magnified or reduced in size. They are wide-angle (reduce) and telephoto (magnify) respectively. This allows you to view the subject before taking the picture.

It denotes the number of images stored in the camera.

What is up next, regarding the components that are drawn in with Digital Photography?

Items associated with Digital Photography

Keen to know the task of a computer in Digital Photography! The Computer is the vital component in Digital Photography. It does the most important task of storing and displaying digital photographs from the digital camera. It allows those digital photographs to get printed onto an array of digital printers that are available.

The display monitors
The display monitors shows you the images in a broad range of colors. However the image can be seen in different looks when viewed on various display monitors. It is for this reason that it is advised to set the settings of the monitor to the default values as set by the manufacturer.

Printers used for Digital Photography

This prints the image on a photographic paper. Inkjet, Dye sublimation and Thermo Autochrome are few of the Printers used in Digital Photography.

Now you know it all. Digital photography is no longer a stranger!! So, start clicking away.

John Darby

35mm Film Cameras – the Top 5 Reasons to Choose Film Over Digital!

September 21st, 2011 No comments

Despite the instant gratification that digital imaging technology offers, many people are still clinging to the merits of the 35 mm film cameras and what these can deliver. Professional photographers generally advance two reasons why they choose film over digital photography. These two are the feel and look of the images rendered by film, characteristics most evident in movies. The differences are most noticeable in motion pictures that are traditionally film-based compared to video footages broadcasted over television. Film-based movies have more life, with the images and characters they deliver as living, breathing beings. Movie buffs would describe these as film having the soul which is absent in a digital image rendering. More depth could also be found in film because this medium captures more action, more light and much more richness than the digital-based output.

Seasoned photographers likewise describe this film advantage as the style or feel that can’t be found in digital images. Highlights are better held in pictures taken for instance by 35mm digital cameras. These highlights could be used to emphasize a main subject or express some subtle emphasis on a secondary subject, something which could not be done with digital photography. Color play also comes in when using slide film wherein the red colors come out particularly better than in digital. Every other color likewise tends to be more vibrant and deeper when captured on slide film than when taken with a digital camera.

Image quality is a third element wherein film is superior over digital technology. The real image captured by film cameras cannot be done by digital cameras essentially due to the differences in the two media’s technology. Technology based on silver halide is employed in film-based photography. The film base is a piece of plastic coated with an emulsion of silver solution that when penetrated by light turns dark and creates a negative which is then chemically developed. The captured image in the negative is next processed and printed in an enlarger. Digital cameras, on the other hand, work through an imaging chip capturing the light coming in and converting it to electronic energy which is processed and saved in a memory card to be read by a computer from which a print could be made. Images captured digitally are hence cut and dry, which quality-wise would not be suitable for large reproductions. This is because pixels recorded in binary code compose the images recorded digitally, and the number of pixels will limit the size that could be printed from the recorded digital images. With film, however, the image is recorded onto an analog celluloid strip with a sustainable capacity for much larger reproductions.

People dig digital cameras because these devices are easy and convenient to use. However, the digital cameras cannot match the freedom of versatility and creativity of the 35 mm film cameras. For these two reasons, film-based cameras are ideal tools to train on getting the perfect aperture and speed settings to specific shooting situations. Light metering skills could be honed through film-based cameras, unlike in digital photography wherein one can simply delete badly taken shots.

Cindy Rhyes