Find Out the Latest Trend in Wedding Photography
The newest trend in wedding photography is online photography galleries of your wedding. The reason these photography galleries are becoming so popular is because of the simplicity of them. Never heard of an online photography gallery for your wedding? It works like this: after your wedding, your photographer will give you a website to go to with a password and login name. You will be able to access all of your wedding photos on this website. You will then be able to hand out the login and password on your wedding photography gallery to all your friends and family, so they can pick the photos they want. This takes the work of the bride to a minimum. All she needs to do is send out a link to the photography gallery for her wedding with the sign in information in a bulk email and her work is done. All she has to do is choose photos for her album and individual pictures she wants.
Often in wedding photography galleries, the order information will be listed somewhere on the site and orders can be taken right online, without having to stress the newlyweds over how much what size photo costs and how to order it. It’s a great way for friends and family to get the photos they want in a timely manner. Keep in mind, though, that most of these photography galleries are only online for a limited time, so make sure your photographer is willing to give you a disc or hard proofs of your photos after that time or you may lose them.
While there are plenty of pros to choosing photography galleries for your wedding, there can be many cons as well. Many people like to have their proofs to look at. Often, people feel that a proof serves as a better representation of how the photo will actually look when you receive it. Having proofs in a photography gallery is an efficient way to utilize easy access and convenience, but it also misleads some people as to how the photos will actually look. Since most photographers work with digital cameras, however, it’s usually a pretty good chance that the photos will be sharp and crisp.
Another type of photography gallery that is commonly being used in weddings now is a running slideshow, or photo montage of the couple in all stages of life. Usually, the photo gallery will be put to music and it is the DJ’s responsibility to put those together. These types of photo galleries can be a lot of fun for the guests and are usually shown just before dinner is served.
While the timing of your photo gallery or photo montage is up to you, these can offer a valuable insight into what type of families you and your new spouse have, what your interests are and how you two are as a couple. Do you travel? Have you been to some really fun, fabulous events that you want all your wedding guests to know about? Then a photography gallery for your wedding is the way to go.
You can put it against all kinds of music, but try to choose your favorite songs, as well as some music that most of your guests will enjoy, as well.
Jane Anthony
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