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Information Regarding Best Digital Camera Brand

If ever there was a controversial question amongst the hordes of digital camera enthusiasts, it has to be “What is the best digital camera brand?”. Sometimes referred to as “What is the best brand of digital camera to buy?”, but not to be confused with “What is the best camera to buy?”. Because everyone knows that regular (film) cameras are far superior to digital cameras. Hang on a sec, or was that the other way around? Who can keep track these days? Now before I digress too far from the topic, lets take a look at that age old battle, and see if we can determine which brand is best.

First things first, in the spirit of full disclosure, I need to declare that I do in fact own several cameras. They represent a variety of brands. I have two Canons, a Fuji, and a Kodak. I must confess, that I am somewhat partial to Canon, but I’ll try not to let that cloud any editorial comments I may subsequently make.

For more information on best digital camera brand click here

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